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Read the story
Of one of our customers who established KLIMCHI in her shop in Iceland.
How was your journey with Purkhús?
A few years ago I bought my first apartment in central Reykjavík. When I was moving into this small and cozy apartment I really discovered how much I really love decorating and having nice and unique things around me. I had the idea for Purkhús in my head for a year before I finally decided go for it and to start my own company and focus on home decor. At first Purkhús started as an online shop from my small apartment. A year later I got a showroom in Ármúli 19 and started to open two or three times a week, after work. I would then come to the showroom when I had finished working ( I worked at a bank at that time) and it was open for 2-3 hours two or three days a week. People really liked to be able to come and take a look at the products in person and also pick up online orders. The showroom soon got a little too small around a year later so I decided to quit my job at the bank and open a store. That is when we moved to Ármúli 40 which was a lot bigger than the showroom. We shared that store space with another store. Everything went well but soon also this place got too small. After a year in Ármúli 40 we just moved a little bit more down the street to Ármúli 44. And that is where we are now. Just settled in Ármúli 44 one month ago and we are loving it! This store looks so good. I am so happy with it!
What is the ultimate Purkhus goal as a company and what are your personal goals in life?
The goal for Purkhús is to be the most exciting and beautiful store in Iceland. I really want people to take a breath when they come to the store and I really want it to be an experience to come to Purkhús. We also really focus on the customer and really want them to have great service and experience. My personal goals in life is to do what makes me happy and stay true to myself. I really love my job. It is alooooot of work sometimes but I am lucky I love my job.
How did you discover KLIMCHI?
I discovered KLIMCHI one night when I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw the Hobnail jug on a photo and when I saw it I knew I had to get it to Purkhús! I sent a message and soon got in touch with Lukas. I remember how happy I was to have found KLIMCHI and being able to sell it in Purkhús and I still am.
Why did you think KLIMCHI would be a success in your store?
I just knew it when I saw all the beautiful products. So many beautiful colors. I wanted every single thing so I was sure my customers would love it as much as I did and I was right!
What were the initial reactions to KLIMCHI?
The customers really loved KLIMCHI as soon as it arrived, just like me. They really love all the colors that are available. Many are now collecting KLIMCHI in Iceland (jugs, tumblers, bowls and more). In Purkhús KLIMCHI is very popular gift item. So I guess many have KLIMCHI on their wish list!
Was it difficult to establish KLIMCHI in Iceland?
No, I would not say it was difficult. When you have these beautiful products then it makes it so much easier. Still we have put in a lot of work to promote KLIMCHI in Iceland. We have worked with influencers, we have had a give away, we have been in magazines, blogs, and we have taken a lot of photos of the products to post on social media and promote ads online. I think it also helps how good the photos of the products from KLIMCHI are and we are able to use. Both the product photos and the lifestyle photos. I think that is very important, to have photos that you really notice and capture your attention.
What is the bestseller for you at the moment?
The Crystal Hobnail jug is a bestseller now.
Did having KLIMCHI in your store increase your earnings? Can you give us any financial background on the percentage increase of sales and/or profitability?
Yes, definitely. KLIMCHI is a very important brand in our store. It is really hard to give a financial background of the percentage increase of sales since we have been growing so much and have added some other brands to the store at similar time. But KLIMCHI has definitely helped us increase our sales. And for that I am so thankful!